Atp bioluminescence inhibition studies
1. Quenching and Enhancement Effects of ATP Extractants, Cleanser, and Sanitizers on the Detection of the ATP Bioluminescence Signal. Journal of Food Protection, Vol. 60, No. 7, 1997, Pages 799-803, International Association of Milk, Food and Environmental Sanitarians
2. Etude sur impact du choc chloré sur la bioluminescence de l’ATP microbien Département Environnement et Santé Public Dr Laurence Matthieu Services du Professeur Phillippe HARTEMANN, Faculté de Médecine de Nancy.
Atp bioluminescence correlation studies with plate count methods
Drinking water correlation studies
4. Rapid Determination of Bacteria in Drinking Water using an ATP Assay Rolf A. Deininger and JiYoung Lee – Field Analytical Chemistry and Technology 5(4):1–5, 2001 Jiyoung Lee, Rolf A. Deininger. Water Environment Research, Volume 82, Number 5 May 2010
5. Quantification, distribution, and possible source of bacterial biofilm in Mouse Automated Watering Systems. Thomas R Meier et al. Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science. Vol 47, No 2 March 2008 Pages 63–70
Swimming pool water correlation studies
6. Rapid determination of bacteria in pools. Journal of Environmental Health 2001. Rolf Deininger Jiyoung Lee, Richard Fleece. Journal of Environmental Health
Correlation studies E. Coli in recreational waters
Meat carcass surface hygiene correlation studies
8. Use of a Rapid Microbial ATP Bioluminescence Assay to Detect Contamination of Beef and Pork Carcasses, G.R. Siragusa et al., Journal of Food protection, July 1995, Vol.58 N°7 Pages 770-775
9. A Rapid Microbial ATP Bioluminescence Assay for Meat Carcasses, Catherine Cutter et al., Dairy, Food and Environmental Sanitation. November 1996 Vol.16, N°11 pages 726-736
10. Use of a Newly Developed Rapid Microbial ATP bioluminescence Assay to Detect Microbial Contamination on Poultry Carcasses, G.R. Siragusa et al., Journal Biolumin Chemilumin 1996 Vol 11 pages 297-301
Meat microbiology Atp bioluminescence study
11. The incidence of E. coli on beef carcasses and its association with aerobic mesophilic plate count levels during the Slaughter process, G.R. Siragusa et al., Food protection, Vol.61 N°10 P. 1269-1274
Biological aerosols correlation study
12. Detection of Biological Aerosols by Luminescence Techniques. P.J. Stopa et al., Journal of Field Analytical Chemistry and Technology 1999 3(4-5): pages 283-290
Metal Working Fluids correlation study
Disinfection methods correlation studies
14 Efficiency of peracetic acid in inactivating bacteria, viruses, and spores in water determined with ATP bioluminescence, quantitative PCR, and culture based methods Journal of Water and Health 2013. Eunyoung Park, Cheonghoon Lee, Michael Bisesi and Jiyoung Lee.